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The Day After

Yesterday, Emma told the true story in front of all Gryffindor house and apologized to us. I could see that this was really difficult for her, but she did it anyway and to me she seemed sincere.

Afterwards, spirits were low and everyone was quite subdued and not sure how to proceed. There were some shifty looks of the students who were all too ready to believe Emma in the first place and then talking behind our backs.

Professor Vector defused the situation by conjuring some plates full of biscuits and several crates of butterbeer and 5 minutes later we had a BIG PARTY! YAY!

It was definitely the best way to solve the tension and to get everyone talking again.
Some students used the relaxed atmosphere to apologize to us for not believing us and talking about us. It felt really really good 🙂

The party went on right into the night until Professor Vector came and sent us all to bed. After some late night talking with Olivia and Charlie, I slept right through the night.

For the first time in weeks!

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